Welcome to Week 4 of Kindness Read Aloud #KindnessCrewCRSS! I am delighted that you stayed with us to the end of this valuable experience with us. If you are new this week, welcome aboard (you can find more information about the read aloud here).
Please remember that you can participate in any way that fits into your weekly schedule. You can watch the video and answer the questions all on a Monday – or you can take all week. The Read Aloud experience for each book runs for a whole week, so please join in the way that works for you! When answering questions on Twitter, please use the Q1 A1 format and remember to include the #KindnessCrewCRSS hashtag. You are encouraged to look through other class’ responses and comment whenever you can to build on one another’s answers. I look forward to continuing this experience with you!
Here is the information you will need for this week:
Week 4: February 25th – March 1st
Hosting: Alicia Ray from @iluveducating
Book: The Invisible Boy by Trudy Ludwig
Watch this week’s Read Aloud video here:
View the slow chat questions here:
