Our guest this episode, Rachael McPhail, shares how her passion for social justice inspired the 'Place Names in Addresses' campaign to include traditional place names in addressing information in Australia. She discusses her mission to show that you don't need to be someone famous to start a social justice campaign, every single person has the ability to make changes that will help the world be a better, more inclusive place. Rachael hopes to inspire others to tune in to the voices of First Nations people who are making waves in their patch, so our minds will be constantly decolonising, or unlearning and relearning.
Rachael's Inspirational, Influential and Impactful recommendations:
People - Kirli Saunders; Teela Reid; Common Ground; Clothing the Gaps; Joe Williams
Books - Dark Emu - Uncle Bruce Pascoe; Bila Yarrudhanggalangdhuray (River of Dreams) - Anita Heiss; The White Girl - Tony Birch; Bindi - Kirli Saunders; Loving Country - Uncle Bruce Pascoe
Podcasts - Blacademia - Amy Thunig; Sobah Podcasts - Dr Clinton Schultz; Frontier War Stories - Boe Spearim; Dreamy - Common Ground; Bring Back the Warrior - Dwayne Bannon Harrison
Movies - Incarceration Nation; The Bowraville Murders; In My Blood It Runs; Will Australia Ever have a Black Prime Minister; High Ground; Servant or Slave
Causes - #Boots4Community, by Blackfit Fitness; #FreeHer campaign, by Sisters Inside/Debbie Kilroy; #WearItBlakWednesday, by Trading Blak; #NotADateToCelebrate - Abolishing Australia Day; #RaiseTheAge of criminal responsibility; Seed Mob
Dream Travel Destination - To 4WD through the top end, Darwin, Kakadu, Katharine, Fitzroy Crossing, over to Broome, and to also visit the Torres Strait islands.
Connect with Rachael:
Instagram - @place_names_in_addresses
Website - www.change.org/traditionalplacenames
Facebook Page - @place_names_in_addresses

If you missed one of our previous episodes, you can hear the inspiring, influential and impactful guests below (they are worth the listen!)
#4 - Fi Morrison: STEM-spirational
#5 - Craig Ladek: The Impact of Service
#6 - Dr, Stephanie Smith: Empowering Young People
#7 - Barbara Gruener: Connecting By Heart
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