Our Episode 7 guest, Barbara Gruener, shares her mission for connecting by heart to make a world of difference, by helping elevate empathy, compassion and kindness in everyone she meets, while modeling what it means to stay centered by and rooted in gratitude, hope and love. Her passion for people is evident in her many acts of service during her 38 years in education, and in life. Barbara is a role model for learning from life’s experiences and seeking joy every day. Her genuine connections with others brings light into the world, and her passion, enthusiasm and energy leave others feeling equipped and empowered to pay it forward and keep the ripple alive … her goal is that when those ripples eventually touch … our world will be covered in a blanket of connection and love. Barbara truly is a HOPE-dealer, who makes the world a kinder, more compassionate, empathetic and loving place. Barbara's Inspirational, Influential or Impactful recommendations:
People - Laurie McIntosh, Roman Nowak, Vernon Wright, Michele Borba, Lisa Currie just to name a few role models.
Book - The Negativity Remedy by Nicole J. Phillips
Podcast - The Happiness Lab by Dr. Laurie Santos
Cause - Donors Choose because it helps teachers and, in turn, supports our most precious natural resource, the children
Dream Travel Destination - Australia
Connect with Barbara:
Twitter - @BarbaraGruener
Instagram - @BarbaraGruenerAuthor
Website or Blog - corneroncharacter.blogspot.com
Facebook Page - mrquigleyskeys
Podcast - CharacterSpeaks
Author page - barbaragruenerauthor.com
Barbara is a bilingual educator, author, mentor, coach, speaker, and veteran school counselor, who has spent 38 years in education.

If you missed one of our previous episodes, you can hear the inspiring, influential and impactful guests below (they are worth the listen!)
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