I love learning from my Professional Learning Community and wanted to share some of the amazing work of the members of the extended #TLAPdownunder crew, so I've listed and linked blogs, podcasts and You tube channels below. The interests, knowledge and skills of these awesome educators are wide and varied, so a range of topics are covered. I'm sure you'll find something of interest, as well as learn something new!
Danny Summerell 'Pondering Dan'
Cameron Ross - Travelling the Road of ICT teaching and eLearning
Vicky Kennard - Maths Manipulatives
Josh Velez - Forever Laminating
Sharon McCormack - Teachers as Leaders
Justin Hill - Junior School Design
Mel Smith - Teaching for Lifelong Learning
Andrea Greer - Beyond the Classroom Walls
Tonya Gilchrist - Tonya Gilchrist
Donna Maccaroni - In My Spare Time
Levi Allison - Levi Allison
Cass Lowry - MathsTalk Podcast
Catherine Williams - Get ConnectED
Danny Summerell - The Pondering Dan Podcast
Bronwyn Brady - For the Love of Teaching
You Tube
Heulwen Sweet - Heulwen Sweet
Danny Summerell - Danny Summerell
Steven Kolber - Mr Kolber's Teaching
I love that there are different mediums through which to share and acquire new learning. Happy reading, listening and viewing!
